This album is a work in progress as photos process. For now, a preview of two amazing photos from the Great American Eclipse of 2024
I visited London shortly after the restoration of Big Ben, aka Elizabeth Tower, finished.
These photos were taken while hiking near Alameda, CA on January 9th, 2022.
Every year during the autumn, monarch butterflies have a major migration. Some of them overwinter along the Pacific coast, including Monterey, CA.
This was a series of experiments with HDR bracketing using a mixture of macro, 24-70mm, and super telephoto lenses.
These photos are all from a hike on Sunday, February 21st, 2021 with my friend Ken.
I took a walk around Don Edwards San Francisco Bay National Wildlife Refuge and took some photos.
This is a series of self portraits I took that I'm quite proud of. It's my first attempt at self portraiture.
This bird hit my house and was stunned. Here's some photos as she recovered.
On Saturday, May 3rd, I decided to make a good use of the beautiful day and go for a walk.