Today begins the onslaught of exams. I have one almost every day this week. The only day I don't have one is on Wednesday. That's the day I go in for my SRS surgical consultation. I'm looking forward to finally setting a date. It's kind of funny. Lisa compared it to setting a date to be married. It's just as significant in my life, so I think it's very much the same.

As far as exams go, I'm having lots of trouble getting myself to really care about finals. I am a queen of procrastonation as well. So studying isn't happening all that much. I think one of the major contributors is that my classes just were not all that interesting. In fact, I'd go as far as to say they were downright boring. Two of my classes I had no qualms about sleeping in. One of them I just decided it wasn't worth my time to even go to since the class overlapped another one I took almost perfectly. So yeah....just not caring all that much. The boring classes are the first two exams. I already took one today. The other one is tomorrow.

My Thursday and Friday exams are actually not too bad. Thursday is my wellness theory class. Not too difficult overall. I just have to do a little reading and thinking. It's a short essay exam. The friday exam is Japanese. One might think this as my most difficult one, but it really isn't. It was my favorite class, so I was always there. I worked hard to keep up. It was a lot of work. But, everything in the class compounds upon itself. You use all of the forms and such over and over. So there isn't a whole lot of studying I need to do. Mainly just a little bit of review.

Still though...just not too big on the whole "studying" thing. I just want to be done. I'm not in the school mindset at all. I don't think I really have been all semester. I've been focusing more on work, finishing my transition, and the campus organizations I'm in. Class for me was just a side venture. It's amazing to me that college is such an important thing in life, and yet there is something that is so much more important going on in my life that class wasn't as much of a priority.

On a completely different note, I am so broke right now. I have a credit card bill I have to pay as well as a prescription to fill this week. I have about $65 until Friday. I can hold off on the bill since it's not due until June, but the prescription I need. The only other issue is that the check I will be getting wont be enough to pay bills and rent. Even by itself it's not enough for rent. I'm a little worried, but at the same time I have a plan. I never use my digital keyboard anymore, so I'm going to sell it on ebay. It's worth about $500. That will solve my money problems for now. If I ever want to get back into piano, I'll buy a new one then. We'll see how the auction goes. I hope someone wants it.

Well, I should get back to work. As usual, I'm at the helpdesk. I keep getting interrupted with having to go check out laptops or answer calls. So yeah, I'll write again later. Bye.

