The annual Women's Leadership Conference happened this past

weekend. I was one of the student organizers for the event. It was a

lot of work. Even now after the fact, I'm not sure it was worth it.

From the behind the scenes perspective, it was a fiasco. Though, I've

heard from others that it was great. So, hopefully only the organizers

thing it was horrible. There were some good things about it though.

Like for example, my friendship with Erika has been solidified into a

real friendship. Prior to this event, we worked together organizing,

but we were just acquaintences. Now we hang out for the fun of it.

We're kindred spirits. I'm really happy about that.

The second really awesome thing that happened was Lindsay. I'm sure all

of you are just now just dropped your jaws going "What?!!!", but

yes...I met someone. I wasn't expecting to at all. In fact, prior to

Saturday, I thought she was dating the girl she was hanging out with

every time I saw her. I had met her a week and a half prior when I

spoke at a college an hour away. My good friend Audrey had invited me.

Both Abigail and Lindsay gave me this vibe that they were a couple. So

yeah...when I found out on Saturday that they were all single, I was a

bit surprised.

Saturday night I was invited to hang out with the three of them. While

we were hanging out, Lindsay started playing footsie with me. Then she

started giving me eyes. We connected and were smiling and giggling.

Audrey and Abigail thought we were laughing at them. After the lights

went out, there was a little making out going on. I haven't done that

in two years. It was a very welcome change.

Sunday came and the conference ended. Due to my responsibilites with

the conference, I didn't get to say goodbye to them. Thankfully Lindsay

got my number from Audrey and called me later. We talked for an hour.

It was good. We have a lot in common. She's really cool. We seem to

have complimenting personalities. Apparently she thought I was out of

her league. That really blew me away. I've never thought of myself that

way...ever. It's always been the other way around for me. From my

perspective, I'm just doing what I think is right. I don't see why

people would look up to me or think of me as on some other level.

Anyway, I asked her out. Friday, while everyone else is succumbing to

the day of gluttany, Lindsay and I will be enjoying ourselves

(hopefully) at a restaurant and then we're going to probably watch a

movie or something. Yeah...pretty standard, but what can I say? I have

all this creativity when it comes to video, web work, and story

telling, but I can't be creative with a date. Go me. Still, I'm really

looking forward to it. I'll be sure to post updates.

School is just getting more and more stressful. I have 25 pages of

paper to write yet as well as four speeches not including my extra

curricular speeches, and I also have two presentations, one with a

group. That's not including finals. Last week Thursday night I actually

had a full out panic attack due to all the stress. I can't wait until

Winterim starts up. I need the break.

Anyway, it's past 2:00 in the morning. I have class at 9:30 am. I should get to bed. G'night all.

