The presentation went really well. There was a turnout of about 75 people. I was surprised to see that many. The best part of it was that there were people from Human Sexuality classes taking notes. Apparently coming to my presentation was an extra credit assignment for them. That means I reached a group of people that normally wouldn't have come. That's so important.

It was a very smooth presentation in my mind. I was happy with it. I'd say my favorite part of the weekend was making new friends though. There were so many cool people at that school. I miss them now. Lindsay was the girl that invited me down there to speak in the first place. She's really cute too. I avoided saying anything though. That would have made things awkward, and I didn't want that. On top of that, I wasn't there to meet someone. I was there to speak, so I figured I should be responsible. I did tell her when I got back home though. She blushed. That made me smile.

I do have to say that Illinois is not the most exciting state to drive through. It's too flat for my tastes. I like hills and trees, or at least something to look at. It was a long drive on slightly not enough sleep. I needed something to keep me awake. I ended up listening to NPR, when I could find a station, to keep me awake. For me, it's better than music. Music tends to lull me to sleep no matter what kind it is...that's if I am tired already. It's just that it has a beat. NPR was something that kept my mental juices flowing. So it helped. Janet Reno does not have a pleasant voice though.

I ended up missing most of my classes, but at least they were excused. I got congratulations from my professors when I told them about the event. How cool is that? Today I have to make up my Kanjii quiz for japanese. It never ends. I better get to studying. I'm prepared, but I want to be more prepared. I'll see ya later.

